In which we discover that even in the darkest of tales we can find some light, that boldness & curiosity can save lives, and that a pie can hold both wonders and terrors.

In which we find that clever beautiful women are always an asset, that a magical mother-in-law should not to be under-estimated, that a magical servant will always improve your day and cruel kings are more frequent than you might think.

In which we discover that you shoudn’t judge your beloved by his looks especially if he’s a horse, that not being to provide pancakes on demand can prove fatal and that that there are times when listening to your sisters is not always wise.

In which we discover that you can still enjoy a story when the prince is clueless, that women you find in strange castles can have hidden talents and its amazing what you can whip up with a few almonds & some honey.

In which we discover that a bean is preferable to bran as a tracking device, that no matter how kind and generous you are, you can still end up in the belly of a shark and that you shouldn't trust anyone who leads you into dark woods.

In which we discover that a good heart is a very vauable commodity, the loss of a vine that provides excellent unlimited free wine can cause distress and that sometimes there is more than one beautiful maiden in a story but sometimes she's just a fox.

This is another stories only episode, due to reasons too numerous to mention here. I hope they find you in the spirit they left me: gentle, heartwarming and uplifting, the last one is particularly seasonal.

In which we discover how much damage elves and curses can do, how even powerful beings can suffer and that mysterious housekeepers often have a hidden agenda. In addition, we learn that if you have a useful magic stone you should always put it in your pyjama pockets whilst you sleep. Just in case.

Would you like to hear a winter tale or six? I have put together a compilation of my December tales from last year so you can fully indulge in the spirit of winter.

In which we discover that a Hand of Glory is not always the solution you might think it is, pretending to be asleep is sometimes the cleverest & bravest option and that its surprising what you can achieve with a bowlful of milk