In which we find that kindness, wit, cleverness and politeness are the keys to a wonderful future, the perfect cheese toastie is within your grasp and sometimes you have to make your own happy ever after.

In which we find out that princesses definitely can decide their own destiny, that seeking your fortune can take a very long time and that the gift of pomegranates is always welcome.

In which we discover that fate can be tricksy, fish pie can be surprising and that you can get away with pretty much anything if you are a baron.

In which we discover that it can be unwise to have your name on your belt, that cleverness is important for heroes, the downsides of wagon driving and how a pudding can save or take a life. Today’s story has giants, heroes, magic swords, enchanted ladies, generous princes, a possessed princess, treasure, wicked magicians, monsters and even the devil has a bit part.

In which we find out what happens when Madam Moon is absent from the sky, why you should always listen to a Wise-Woman and how any of this is relevant to a fruity tea-time snack.

In which we find out how giving away your lunch can find you a bride and win you a kingdom and how relevant that is to a delicious apricot flapjack.