In which we discover that without soup there would be no restaurants, that sharing can be joyful and that meeting a friend from the circus in an underground cask beer bar is one of the few things worth leaving a Finnish meal for.

In which we discover that castles can move, unicorns can be vicious, trolls aren't cautious and that you should always be prepared to give away a sandwich.

In which we discover that betrayal is occasionally inevitable, sometimes all you need is a magical new frock & a talking fish and that apricots can be the key to overcoming misfortune.

In which we discover that you shouldn’t ask questions if you don’t want the answer, a shared love of food is an excellent foundation for a relationship, figs can definitely surprise you and you can fit quite a lot in a candlestick.

In which we discover that you can't have a mortar without a pestle especially if it's gold, that kings make mistakes, the importance of clever queens and that even a capon can be symbolic.

In which we discover that fairies have some scary punishments, kings can have strange priorities and that you can be queen and still make excellent cream cheese.

In which we discover what happens if you don't share your pizza, that singing ducks make excellent messengers and how perfect parsnips can keep memories alive.

This post is the place to find my story compilations from previous episodes.

In which we discover that cherries can restore your wealth, spiders can be the reason for miracles, mulled cider can result in treasure and that trifle is devoid of folklore. Christmas Pudding, however has plenty to share.

In which we discover that being a bear is not always permanent, kindness is key to a happy life, owning treasure does not improve your temper and that spice and warmth improves most drinks.