This is another just the stories episode, this time for All Hallows Eve. There are three traditional tales which are just a little bit scary but also a little bit clever and maybe also just a little bit kind in the case of the last tale.
The Stories in this episode are: Old Tommy & The Spectre, Box on the Ears and The Cook & the Goblin adapated from Ruth Manning Sanders
This is another just the stories episode, this time for All Hallows Eve. There are three traditional tales involving food which are just a little bit scary but also a little bit clever and maybe also just a little bit kind in the case of the last tale. I hope you enjoy these tales even if you prefer yours a bit more bone chilling normally.
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You can also find out more at Hestia’s Kitchen which has all past episodes and the connected recipes on the blog. If you’d like to get in touch about the podcast you can find me on Twitter or Instagram at @FairyTalesFood.
The stories in this episode are: Old Tommy & The Spectre, Box on the Ears and The Cook & the Goblin all adapated from Ruth Manning Sanders.
I hope you enjoy them even if you prefer your tales a little more bone chilling.